Thread: What a "god"?
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Old 07-18-2013, 04:36 PM   #3
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Default Re: What a "god"?

It seems good to me, though I might look more deeply at questions of truth.

First, is the god real? If not, then any miracles are belief based with no external reality. If the god is real, then...

How did it come to be? If it was created by man, can man create more gods? And can it be changed by man as man's culture, circumstances, etc., change? Or can it, once created, affect the culture and circumstances of man in some sort of negative (or positive) feedback loop?

If it wasn't created by man, how did it come to be? Is it some sort of "natural" being (part of a "race" of gods)? Or was it created by something else, perhaps a "greater" god? Or, finally, was it spontaneously created, or somehow eternal (or at least extant prior to the creation of the universe/world)?

These answers obviously have a large bearing on how such a god interacts with humanity or other mortal (or even immortal) races. Does the god "need" man? It's much more likely that it does if man created it, that it somehow benefits from worship. Of course, it's also entirely possible that, once created, it is somehow self-sustaining. Perhaps the god doesn't need anything from mortals, but finds worship pleasing or somehow beneficial, and therefore may be inclined to offer something in return. Perhaps the god needs nothing whatsoever, but cares about mortals (or at least some subset of them). Finally, a god could be indifferent or even outright hostile to mortals.

Another question is what role the god played in creation. If it hasn't existed since before creation, cosmology must be very odd indeed for it to have played any role in it, but I suppose it could somehow be possible. But really, the possibilities are none, some, or total. In the latter case, this is a "first" or "prime" mover deity insofar as it is the father of the material world, though what that means isn't necessarily obvious.

Before even considering what power(s) are granted by real deities, another factor must be considered: how comprehensible is the god? Is it "like us but more so" -- in other words just a "person" with immense supernatural power? Or is it more of a personification of a force of nature, a "human" face slapped onto something that is hard to understand without a face. Or is it more abstract still? Or worse yet -- completely incomprehensible?

Once that's known, they go hand in hand with the cosmology. Is there "ultimate" truth, good and evil, etc.? Is there an afterlife? Those can affect decisions as to what a god does for a follower.

All of that is a rough spitball of what I (at least) do when creating a religion, or even considering how to make real world religions gameable in given situations. (Of course, in the latter case, I have to take the sensibilities of the players and myself into account.)
Seven Kingdoms, MH (as yet unnamed), and my "pick-up" DF game war stories, characters, and other ruminations can be found here.
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