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Old 02-09-2019, 03:58 PM   #99
Join Date: Sep 2004
Default Re: GURPS Supers Alternatives

Since the last was somewhat obscure, I have a more recent example:

Venom (Eddie Brock; Movie Version)
ST 30 (+20 Symbiote -10%) BL 1 ton Thr 5d+2 [ 90 ]
DX 12 (+1 Symbiote -10%) [ 38 ]
IQ 12 [ 20 ]
HT 12 (+2 Symbiote -10%) [ 18 ]
Speed 6 (5.25 base w/o Symbiote) [ 0 ]

Clinging (Symbiote -10%) [ 18 ]
Combat Reflexes (Symbiote -10%) [ 14 ]
DR 10 (Switchable +10%; Symbiote -10%) [ 50 ]
Doesn’t Breathe (Symbiote -10%) [ 18 ]
High Pain Threshold (Symbiote -10%) [ 9 ]
Luck [ 15 ]
Pressure Support (Symbiote -10%) [ 5 ]
Regeneration (Instant; Symbiote -10%) [ 90 ]
Sealed (Symbiote -10%) [ 14 ]
Stretching 2 (Symbiote -10%) [ 11 ]
Super Jump 2 (Symbiote -10%) [ 18 ]
Teeth (Fangs; Switchable +10%; Symbiote -10%) [ 2 ]
Vacuum Support (Symbiote -10%) [ 5 ]

Bad Temper (12, Symbiote -10%) [ -9 ]
Compulsive: Journalism (9) [ -15 ]
Curious (12) [ -5 ]
Dependency (Meat, Daily; Symbiote -10%) [ -15 ]
Frightens Animals (Symbiote -10%) [ -9 ]
Guilt Complex [ -5 ]
Gluttony (12; Symbiote -10%) [ -4 ]
Invertebrate (Symbiote -10%) [ -18 ]
Phantom Voices (Annoying; Symbiote -10%) [ -4 ]
Secret (Imprisonment; Symbiote -10%) [ -18 ]

Investigator!-12 (WC) [24]; Motorcycle-12 (DX) [1] [ 25 ]

Total: 358

Symbiote -10% covers abilities that are disabled by sonics or if Eddie somehow loses his symbiote. I did not make fire a concern for this version since it was introduced as environmental protection.

The symbiote provides Eddie with increased attributes (ST, DX, HT), the ability to absorb quite a bit of punishment (HP and DR), full environmental protection, and the ability to extend pieces for grabbing and attacking. The symbiote can also sustain/repair Eddie from basically any damage given time. On the other hand, the symbiote needs quite a bit of fuel (meat dependency) or it will start consuming its host. It also exerts a fair amount of influence (bad temper, gluttony, phantom voices) and would be wanted/hunted if its existence as an alien was discovered (secret). It also tends to enjoy eating people now and then (more reasons for the secret). The symbiote makes Eddie incredibly strong, but it doesn't have any structure for lifting/carrying (invertebrate).

As a PC, I'd improve him a bit and round him out for a 500 point campaign. I did not include a wealth modifier (struggling? poor?) even though it was a part of the first film. The above is already over -100 and Eddie was doing much better (average?) at the end of the film. ST30 is probably on the high side (putting him around Spidey's ST was a reflex). Movie Venom could accomplish all the movie feats with a ST as low as 20. If you were aiming for a 250 point budget instead, that's where I would cut most.

Last edited by naloth; 02-09-2019 at 06:48 PM.
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