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Old 10-03-2016, 11:24 AM   #10
Join Date: Nov 2015
Default Re: [Magic as Power/Custom] Raise Corpse

Originally Posted by GodBeastX View Post
The question is how is it OP? You just created something that is going to eat you too. An example of what I'm talking about is the boomer from Left 4 Dead as statted by GURPS writers. It's not really an advantage for the boomer to blow up and kill everyone, despite it's possibility of killing it's enemies, because it dies too.
There actually is a modifier for that effect, it's a -300% limitation, to be activated with a death trigger, or to die as soon as you use. Don't know where I found it, but it's written on my notepade "Interesting Stuff" hahaha.

Well, it's kind of OP because, even though they can attack you, you have control over it, even though it's only at the start. You spawn them and run away while they are getting up from their graves.

This control over the situation is, IMHO, something strong. And comming for nothing, is kind of TOO strong. I hope I made myself clear, hahaha, sorry.

If there's no RAW info about it, I guess I'll throw a modified Unwilling. Giving it an extra -10%? I guess that would move from Unwilling into Non cooperative, or something like that haha
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