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Old 06-21-2018, 03:09 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2018
Default Triplanetary FAQ

If there is a Triplanetary FAQ, I haven't found it yet.

I have a question about the map. There's a short paragraph about the map on the first page of the rules under GAME COMPONENTS.

However, there's no legend or explanation of symbols to be found.

I see colored lines around the major astronomical bodies, but no legend that explains what the lines represent. Hm. Buried down in the OTHER RULES section in the Detectors rule there's this: "The detection areas of planetary bases are printed on the map." That must be what the lines represent, but there was no map-related text that explained it.

The explanation about the gravity arrows is under the Gravity section of MOVEMENT.

A FAQ that addresses what one might see when unboxing and before the rules are read and digested would be welcome.
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