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Old 06-13-2018, 01:54 AM   #49
David Bofinger
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Sydney, Australia
Default Re: Experience Points

Originally Posted by Steve Jackson View Post
A rate of 25 to 100 experience points per player per session will be appropriate for most campaigns, but this is a GM decision. That rate will allow most characters to improve themselves after every session or so at the beginning of the campaign.
Not sure what you mean by "session or so", do you mean "one or two sessions on the average"? Because if the supply of XPs is (25 to 100) x (1 to 2) then progress is going to be modest unless it's limited to talents: it could typically take ten sessions to earn an attribute point, even for a starting character.

Later, as the campaign itself becomes an important reward, the character advancement should slow down.
I approve of the sentiment but for these rules it doesn't, at least not much. A 32-point character trying to buy talents does so at exactly the same rate as a 35- or indeed 39-point character. A 32-point character buying attributes is probably buying 12s or 13s on the average, at say 550 XPs apiece. Which becomes 13s to 14s or if he's lucky 15s for a 35-point character, at about 700 XP apiece. The slowing is, well, very slow.

I think you need a way to make it faster to progress, maybe for all characters but definitely for starting characters. And I think the previous system, which determined price based on total number of attributes rather than the specific attribute being raised, did that better.
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