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Old 08-27-2017, 12:38 PM   #22
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Default Re: Dungeon Fantasy RPG template formatting

Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
And in practice many WoD skills didn't really float around much.
That final bit is the important part. I can't count the number of times the Storyteller started combat by declaring "roll Wits+Alertness" or how many times I rolled "Dex+Brawl" or "Dex+Firearms." I do know that I very rarely rolled against "Brawl+Apperance" or "Firearms+Stamina." I always wanted to create a list of all combinations and create a list of tasks for as many of them as I could, but the thought of going through 9x30(=270) combinations to try to justify tasks for them was more work than I cared to do.

In GURPS there are relatively few skills that will float; most of the ones that do are going to be DX-based skills with a knowledge component attached - Roll IQ-based Guns to clear a misfire or IQ-based piloting to figure out why the plane won't start. There's not a lot of calls for Knowledge- or Persuasion-based skills to float to other attributes; the likelihood of rolling a DX-based Physics roll or HT-based Diplomacy is pretty slim.
Eric B. Smith GURPS Data File Coordinator
I shall pull the pin from this healing grenade and...
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