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Old 05-19-2009, 04:40 PM   #1
Icelander's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Iceland*
Default They should really fix that in Cabaret Chicks on Ice!

The long-awaited, nearly mythical, Cabaret Chicks on Ice* will be upon us at some point in the future.

This I swear.

Aye, I've seen that fabled manuscript.

Now, in the long and indeterminable days of the wilderness years, many was the time we'd come across some gaming situation and say: "Hold! Verily, this be waste from a farmyard animal!" We woulds't then discuss it among ourselves, sometimes with the beneficent input of our eternal Line Editor, and perhaps even reach some sort of consensus about how this rule or that could be much improved. Depending on our current state of mind, we might end on a note either hopeful or forlorn, saying: "Forsooth, they should really change this in CCoI!".

Unfortunately, I am not as young as I was**. I can't be sure that I've remembered all of these stimulating discussions and all those patent solutions to the vexing problems of gaming with TL0-TL4 technology. But I would never forgive myself if I went through the playtest without at least bringing such issues to the notice of the Powers That Be***.

To clarify, I'm not looking for extra material. There is plenty of dancing girls and no shortage of ice. The main challenge of the playtest will not be how to fill the books, it will be how to avoid making them bloated abominations that threathen to burst their earthly bindings.

What I am looking for are cases where the rules as they currently stand were insufficient to describe something that happened in a game (set between TL0-TL4) and the forumites (perhaps even including Kromm) discussed how the rules could have been expanded upon. And after having gotten a pretty good answer, it made you think: "Wow, they should totally include that in Cabaret Chicks on Ice. It adds next to no complexity to the current rules and it makes it much easier to stat something that was historically common!"

Or even, some contentious subject was discussed for a long time and Kromm (or someone else) finally made a brilliant ruling that wasn't in the books. When asked why it wasn't official, he'd say: 'Okay, that might need looking into. How about we discuss it during the CCoI playtest?'

You got anything?

Of course, I'll give no credit where it's due, instead trying to appropriate your ideas as my own, all in a vain attempt to score points with the playtest moderators and perhaps get my name in very small letters somewhere no one will ever read it.

I'll even smoke a cigar in a small room with my cronies and think about ways to oppress the little man.

But you won't care, because you'll know you've made GURPS a better game.

Altruism. It was always my favourite sin. ;)

*Known to some as Low-Tech.
**... for example, five minutes ago, when I was five minutes younger.
***In order for them sigh and send me off with a stinging rebuke, most likely. "You! Again! Haven't we told you that no one cares about the inconsistencies in the weapon tables for midget hermaphrodites and how they might be improved with proper dwarf-tossing rules!
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