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Old 03-04-2019, 01:55 PM   #46
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Portland, OR
Default Re: Can In Nomine be resurrected?

My dream for In Nomine v2 would be along the lines of a soft-reboot. Cleaning up the mechanics, tightening the balance, and discarding a lot of the secondary superiors (maybe some could come back later or more could be added), and modernizing it (and any attunements). It'd be nice if humans weren't terrible to play, but playing humans isn't a strong selling point for me (and could potentially make it harder for celestials to do their thing).

I'd buy a G:IN to help support the line and prove interest, but that level of power and GURPS has never worked well for me.

I've found that no two groups seem to play In Nomine or envision its universe in quite the same way. This is a strength of a versatile setting, but would a major hurdle to capture the same flexibility in a re-write. I can see the temptation/ease in making demons simply "the bad guys" rather than the ambiguity of their current status. That'd be my biggest fear with an INv2; losing the "dials" and variable viewpoints.
Attercap.Net - A ttrpg blog covering In Nomine, Call of Cthulhu, and more
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