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Old 10-21-2017, 03:47 PM   #7
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Buffalo, New York
Default Re: GURPS Spell Construction Kit

For what it is worth, I had a spell that I converted over from DRAGONQUEST where the caster inscribes the name of a demon on a slip of paper, and then hands it over to the intended victim. The demon, even if defeated the first time around, will show up 30 days later to keep on trying until it succeeds. The only way to get around from the curse is to either have it removed via REMOVE CURSE, or by handing the slip of paper to someone else. Throwing it away and someone else taking it doesn't count - you have to GIVE it away and someone has to accept it. Energy cost to cast is 10, PLUS 1 Hit point (Blood) to activate the curse. Name of the Demon has to be its true name. As a consequence of that, the demon itself is not too happy that someone knows its true name and will usually find a way to gun for the one who cast the curse/spell. Prerequisites were "Summon Demon" and "Curse" and Magery 2.

Technically, the spell was "indefinite" and lasted until the target (or A target if the paper was handed off) was killed.

So - just about anything can be converted into use with GURPS.
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