Thread: fantasy races
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Old 05-27-2009, 11:45 AM   #10
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Location: Yukon, OK
Default Re: fantasy races

Ok here are a couple of mine.
Elves are nature spirits embodied. Thier unaging but its real rare to produce children and that typically involves the aid of one of thier dieties. These elves come in many races, examples are Dryads for trees, Nymphs as guardians of places, Iris are light and air mages, leprechauns are earth based, Vanam are giants based off the Vanir and there are 'devolved' versions that have strayed from the path of Nature.
Dwarves one version they were very attuned to the earth and were hunted by other races for the metals, especially gold in thier bodies. Gave a whole new level to the term tomb robbing. Another version just makes them old with ancestor worship and steam tech.
Gnomes that have microscopic vision, manual dexterity and are fantastic jewelers.

Fauns based off Gurps fantasy races? Though one version made them fertile with all races and they could gene egineer thier offspring while in the womb.
Griffons Inspired by the Herald series, we also had Gryphons which were the size of eagles and created by an ancient Wizard to be messangers and sentries. They have independantly movable eyes.
I used the AnPharr as a race of fantasy farmers to replace halflings in a couple of campaigns. A few minor variations
Centaurs, Exalted Horses, Merfolk and other GURPS standards. The Fassani also made a good transplant.

Mantids are preying mantis with illusion powers.
Tri-folk are insects born in sets of three. Essentially duplicates always on with telepathic links.

Gargoyles who patiently wait and are ambush predators. Some are priests and protect temples in return for power.
thats all i can recall right now.
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