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Old 02-05-2014, 05:26 AM   #2
tHEhERETIC's Avatar
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Location: Life imitates art--I'm in Pohang
Default Re: In Nomine in the oWoD Storyteller System

Originally Posted by cptbutton View Post
My current gaming group is heavy on Pathfinder and Vampire: The Masquerade.

I did run GURPS Werewolf 4E for them a few years back, but there's been a lot of turnover since then.

After our last game, I drove home considering an In Nomine game using the Storyteller system.

Googling found me a good Pyramid article, but not too much else beyond general discussion. It is a very good article but is necessarily just an outline.

Does anyone know of any other existing articles or discussions of this idea?

I am interested in working out the general mechanics and how the various realms and supernatural "species" interact. Keeping close to the default IN setting is not a big priority, so things like the ban on Ethereals in the Corporeal Realm may be greatly modified or omitted.*

* My personal take on it is that Angels regard the ban on Ethereals the way people regard illegal immigration. With enormous variation, from the hard line "Kill them all" faction to the "as long as they aren't hurting anyone, turn a blind eye" faction.
Damn--I did that many years ago, don't know where my notes are, and am in the process of moving so it's hard to look for them right now. So just offhand...

Celestials can mop the floor with vampires. We started calling them "the sickboys" for that reason.

The only thing scarier than watching a Sword sharpen his blade is knowing that he's gaining Essence by doing it. Let's see a vampire get Blood while sitting there looking cool...while sitting there guarding the door for that matter.

Motion is one of the sickest Songs out there.

We played live, so I made players sing. It was awesome. Your takeaway on that might be that Songs are audible, unless the celestial spends even more Essence doing them silently.

If I manage to find my old notes--it won't likely be for a couple of weeks from now--I'll add them here.
Criminy...these two have enough issues, they can sell subscriptions! (ladyarcana55, in a PM)
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