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Old 02-22-2019, 07:01 PM   #23
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Default Re: Bestiary of Cidri

Originally Posted by raniE View Post
If there are going to be multiple bestiaries anyway, I would prefer a that each one be themed. That makes it easier to remember which book a creature will be in. How narrow the themes should be would depend on how many books are planned. If there's only going to be one big bestiary, just throw everything in there.
I disagree with this, not because of personal desire, but a recognition of how game publishing works - or, more specifically, how sometimes it doesn't work. I would rather big books filled with a little of everything than risk some critical beastie going uncovered because sales dropped and its associated volume was cancelled. Keep in mind that SJ Games absolutely will kill a book series if it doesn't sell well; it's part of how they've kept to their high quality standards. Notably, the AADA Road Atlas series was discontinued after seven books, leaving big swathes of the United States - plus Canada and Mexico - without details.

So: I'd like a big book o' everything, like the Monstrous Compendiums of yore. Note, by the way, that those hefty volumes included pages on elves, dwarves, etc., as potential threats that could be found in dungeons. I think that's the best way to handle intelligent foes.
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