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Old 02-13-2019, 09:18 AM   #86
Ogre Line Editor
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Location: Plainfield, IL
Default Re: Survey: Top Priorities for Ogre VG Improvement

Originally Posted by AurochDigital View Post
It is easier to manage from that perspective, however given the average number of existing users to pay for DLC, we'd still need to increase the existing player-base to make that really work.
That's about what I expected. Even worse, the DLC has to be meaningful enough to justify people buying it. "Getting what should have been in the base game" is rarely something that would go over well. It would have been a lot easier if it had been "just Ogre" first, then have G.E.V. (i.e., advanced rules) as DLC, etc. This isn't a "reskin" situation where we are expanding the available universe, we are still trying to replicate what's in the box.
I think you're reading is correct that it's a hard sell, as the people most likely to back it, will already have a copy of the game.
For me, we come back to looking for opportunities to increase player base (like the Auroch sale) though promos etc.
That's the real question, isn't it? There's only so many reviews, tutorials, etc you can put out to promote awareness. If there was fresh content to promote at the same time... catch 22
Ogre Line Editor
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