Thread: Very Rapid Fire
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Old 03-02-2021, 02:37 PM   #16
GURPS Line Editor
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Default Re: Very Rapid Fire

Originally Posted by Tyneras View Post

My experience is that eggshells with hammers is intensely un-fun. So anything that gets away from that is good, no matter how unrealistic.
It depends very heavily on what style of play you want.

When I was running my modern secret-agents game, the players wanted their highly trained operators to be able to fight hordes of mooks with just one magazine per scene, each shot a kill shot. They didn't care about their own eggshells getting smashed, because they had all those great cinematic traits for dodging, shrugging off flesh wounds, etc. So one-shot-kill weapons were the order of the day, and spraying lots of light rounds all over was seen as tedium involving too many dice rolls. There were a lot of anti-materiel rifles and hand cannons.

A long time ago, when I ran a nominally fantasy campaign which crossed TLs and worlds a lot, yeah . . . Some PCs were angels, giants, wraiths, etc. and wanted to be able to "tank" guns the same way they could soak up hits from maces and tiger claws. So there, I had to carefully tweak the weapons to support that. It ended up that super-high-RoF, armor-piercing, ultra-low-damage flechette guns and lasers were the most fun. The PCs could get shot 20 times and mostly not die, but they could count on getting hit some and not on their armor stopping the hits.
Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch <>
GURPS Line Editor, Steve Jackson Games
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