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Old 03-01-2021, 11:08 AM   #82
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Default Re: The World of Solem

Yelm god of the sun, god of fire, god of volcanoes.

The Creator looked at his work and was displeased, all was in darkness he needed for Solem to be seen, he needed light into all four corners of the world and he needed it to be so now.

His son Yelm took his first breaths in the sky and light enveloped the world, in every corner and crevice the new god shone.

He took his place high in the sky, never moving, his smiling magnificence bring light and heat to his fathers creation.

The Mother was pleased, although she did not have a hand in the sun gods birth, she could feel the warmth and heat beat down on her many creations and she foresaw correctly his power would in turn give her own creations life and sustenance.

Yelm was transcendent, his power could be felt in all lands and his firery rays beat down across Solem helping life grow in all ways and forms.

Only one being was unhappy that was Torag god of earth and stone, who was jealous of Yelms power, his status and his place high in the sky.
He said to the Mother he was unneeded and that his warmth filled rays were sometimes to too strong causing the hills and plains to dry and become like dry sand. Torag hated that Yelm could change the very earth he called his own and challenged Yelm to a duel of the gods to see who was greater.

To this Yelm readily agreed and sent huge balls of fire from his body from the sky deep into the earth. Deeper and deeper the fire bolts dug until they reached the Mother herself, where she smiled and sent them back towards the surface.
Here they exploded once again finding their way out of the very mountains Torag held so dear. In one action Yelm had won their duel as he made Torag yield so that his prized creations were not destroyed in fiery smoke and flame.

Yelm laughed and said now he had felt the power of the under earth he would not readily give it up and Torag had to concede that Yelm had the right to journey deep in his earth with his fiery power.

The creator looked on impassively and told Yelm he must take this new power seriously and named these firery balls volcanoes.

Much later Yelm decided to send his greatest celestials to Solem to teach the Elves and Dwarves his gift of fire. Although resistant at first Torag soon saw the wisdom of such a scheme and he ensured his Dwarves made the most of this new gift from the sun god.

Yelm to this day sits in the sky and shows his strength although he now shares time with the stars and the moons, he always returns, covering Solem in his great warming light, ever laughing, ever smiling at the Dark One's attempt to extinguish him and pull him from the sky.
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