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Old 02-28-2021, 09:28 AM   #3
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Location: Sweden, Stockholm
Default Re: Pacifism (Cannot Kill) except mercy-killing

Everyone will die. ...eventually.

Jokes aside, I agree that it is little, if any, mitigation at all. He should probably get full value, or almost full value of the pacifism.

...Unless you start including sapient free-willed undead, cursed individuals (werewolves, etc.) and other as "people who cannot be saved". In such a case you should limit the Pacifism based on how many "people" it actually covers.

If it is truly just death-help then I'd almost let him take it as a quirk. It doesn't help him, and if anything might lead him into moral conflict with someone without that quirk. Remember, you get points/pay for the practical effect and how much it helps or inconveniences the characters. I can't see his "okay-with-death-help"-stance helping him without putting the character in an extremely uncommon (and likely convoluted) situation.
"Prohibit the taking of omens, and do away with superstitious doubts. Then, until death itself comes, no calamity need be feared"
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