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Old 02-26-2021, 12:28 AM   #3
Join Date: Apr 2020
Default Re: Improvement rolls

Originally Posted by AlexanderHowl View Post
The fact that you cannot get above 8 CP in a skill the first try would be rather annoying (especially since you would need an average of 12 tries to reach 12 CP). If you want to limit expeditures, I would suggest not allowing PCs to purchase anything with CP and require them to get stuff through training instead. If they are not receiving formal training or self-studying, they will gain 2.5 CP per year. This is not necessarily the most realistic option, as two people working the same job with the same capabilities will often improve at different rates.
8 CP in a skill is actually quite a bit already - an average person who's attributes are suitable to the job (11-12 in the governing attribute) and/or has any level of talent will have the 12-13 range of a professional. I could allow a roll every 100 hours of study instead of 200 so low skills bump up faster but it tappers off. Actually, that seems sensible. However, 2.5 CP per year is in the "no progress" zone of frustration for most players.

Originally Posted by AlexanderHowl View Post
Alternatively, you could require something in between, with PCs being able to increase the rate of progress by investing CP. In that case, a PC would still need to spend 800 hours on the job to invest CP in a skill, but they could receive 8 CP instead of just 1 CP by investing an additional 7 CP. This would likely be the least frustrating route, as people would probably except that you need effort to improve, though the rate of improve varies between person to person.
This is way too fast. Its treating every hour of work as 2 hours of study.

Originally Posted by AlexanderHowl View Post
Finally, you could use a gambling mechanic where players could spend 1 CP to make an improvement roll with a threshold equal to the level, with them receiving a bonus equal to any additional CP spent. If they succeed, they get to invest all of the CP that they spent in the ability, plus one. If they fail, they get back all the invested CP, minus one. For example, a character with skill 18 would need an 18+ on a roll to invest CP in that skill. If they invested 7 CP in the roll and rolled a '13', they could invest 8 CP in the skill. If they rolled a '9', they would only get back 6 CP. This will annoy certain players and excite other players.
This is one of the frustrations I'm trying to avoid - all or nothing. Someone who's just unlucky will wind up with nothing but a lost CP.

- Shane
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