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Old 02-11-2021, 04:46 AM   #8
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Default Re: The World of Solem

Church of the Silver Flame

Hugely influential religion of the Creator that has spread across Solem and is a huge part of it's followers lives. The church has strict beliefs and is dedicated to the defeat of the dark one and the destruction of all darkfriends and shadowspawn.
Founded during the 113 years war to preach against the growing number of darkfriends, they evolved during the war to a semi military religion with its own order of knights, called the Knights of the Silver Flame.
Extremely rigid in their beliefs their clergy called fathers despise magic in all its forms and their detractors say that this is because the Creator himself seems indifferent to the religion and none of the religions clergy have ever shown any evidence that he has granted them miracles.
Extremely rigid in their beliefs and certain that only they know the truth and the will of the creator in all matters, they hate the Arcana
, considering them any any that support them darkfriends. The order of the Investigators within the church take these beliefs to even further extremes with their practice of putting any suspected mage, trained or not to the silver flame whenever they can.
They are known in many places that don't readily support their dogma as Silvercloaks, a name they despise.

Behind the Curtain
Fans of the Wheel of Time will see the links to the Whitecloaks here, I want to make them more complex though, with many of the father priesthood actually trying to do good. It is ironic also that the most widespread religion in the setting will have no access to spells or miracles.
The Investigators will be a constant menace to any magic using pc even those from other established religions.
The Knights again have many goodly members but their arrogance has got the better of much of the order and they have not been above performing atrocities, particularly against the more rare and strange peoples of the world.
And their is always the possibility that the whole church may have many darkfriends hidden deep within its ranks, pulling the strings?

Last edited by deanjday; 02-17-2021 at 04:41 AM.
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