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Old 10-14-2016, 07:28 AM   #29
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Default Re: Converting Twilight 2000 for use with GURPS 4e

Originally Posted by evileeyore View Post
And it finally arrived.
Email gets delivered by a system that basically equates to one server giving it to another server who's slightly closer to you, repeat until it arrives. It's like you go to the door of an auditorium full of people, throw your parcel to the first person you can get the attention of. They get the attention of someone closer to your target person, and throw the parcel to them, and so on and so forth.

The problem with big attachments is that many servers are configured to reject them. So now you have that auditorium full of people, but you're trying to throw a medicine ball and there's only a few people big enough to catch it. Your medicine ball can't take a straightforward route, unless you're very lucky and all the weightlifters happened to be standing in a row between you and the target. If this means your medicine ball has to take a brief tour out of the room entirely and down the hall and back in a side door, well, that's what it does.
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