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Old 09-01-2008, 02:30 PM   #10
Kelly Pedersen
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Default Re: [vessels] how to manage role

Originally Posted by JCD
That said, what about a low role who "won" the lottery? Obviously, the designers hadn't encompassed such a situation? Does he suddenly get a huge boost in role and status?
I wouldn't give someone who won the lottery a Status boost at all. Simply having a few millions of dollars isn't enough to make people react to you better, or make them more likely to listen to you. A millionaire tycoon doesn't have Status 6 because they have millions of dollars, they have Status 6 because they own a business empire that happens to pay them a very large salary.

Now, because of press, his role is probably bumped up one or two. "Hey, did you here about the guy in town who won the lottery?" "Yeah, what WAS his name?"
Actually, I wouldn't bump a Role for winning the lottery, at least as a matter of course. Maybe if it was part of a plan, perhaps. But if the celestial just happened to buy a ticket and get lucky? Nuh-uh. A Role is about connections to people, but it's also about the paperwork. And winning the lottery will probably prompt some paperwork checks. The tax agencies will do some investigation, to make sure they get their cut. Journalists will do background research for stories on the winner. Neighbors will try to find details to better support requests for cash. :-) And so forth. If the celestial's Role isn't prepared for any of that, it could very well lead to the Role degenerating. In fact, I could see that as a cunning tactic for an opponent to use to degrade a Role.
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