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Old 04-07-2019, 01:12 PM   #3
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: Best Tool for the Job – When would you use TFT/DFRPG/GDF?

I have used TFT from 1980-1986, when GURPS came out. Having played that much TFT, and being simulationist types, we were eager for more detail, so we embraced GURPS.

I have used GURPS for almost all my roleplaying up until TFT's reappearance last year. I have some DFG material, and the DFRPG, but I don't expect to use it much if ever, except as source material for playing GURPS in fantasy settings that are not DF, because DF is more D&D-like than I like. I started with TFT, never liked D&D, and my games tend to be more like TFT or in other directions away from D&D-like. I still sometimes have large underground places to explore etc., but but the DF/D&D style isn't what I want.

That said, I might use or recommend DFRPG for people who do want to play with D&D-type tropes (cliche` classes, lots of PC powers, lots of high-powered monsters which may have puzzle aspects due to invulnerabilties, etc.) yet have the advantages Powered-By-GURPS offers, especially nice tactical hexmap-based combat, freedom to diverge from classes and have unique characters, and much more logical and less weird mechanics than you get in other game systems.

I recommend TFT as a great fast/easy into to fantasy RPG play in the style I do like: logical, with a mapped tactical combat game where what/where/how you choose to act is at least as important to your (uncertain) odds of survival as "what level is your character" or "how many hitpoints do you have left".

I recommend GURPS as a great "advanced" ruleset for playing the same style of play, which is what I've almost always used GURPS for. But I might tend to suggest the 3e Basic Set over 4e, because 4e is stuffed with material for many other types of game (supers, sci fi, etc) and has complex point-buy systems and mixes it all together in a form even I (with decades of experience with the system) find a bit overwhelming.

I recommend DFG for GURPS players who want the material in the DFG books for whatever purpose (e.g. extra monsters).
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