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Old 08-14-2019, 10:55 PM   #231
Join Date: Aug 2018
Default Re: A Challenger Appears! Green versus Red

So where were we...

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Red throws out a kick at Green's torso
he will either have to
run past red (go ahead, show your back)
burn a lot of energy stopping.
To "run past" you would I guess require spending 1 AP anyway on Evade... or to run INTO you would I guess require spending 1 AP to "Slam" you.

Either way, there's an expense of AP inconsistent with the idea of it costing 0 AP to maintain speed (which never made much sense to begin with)

Technical Grappling 21 has an interesting new rule which might hint at solution tool...
For a slam that continues through the target, subtract the damage rolled by the target from any remaining Move.
I assume "continues through" is an evade (made easier if you can manage to knock them down) but regardless of whether you get through, I think this sets precedent that you get free deceleration based on the damage a slam target does.

It wouldn't be going too far off from that to apply ANY crushing-based damage applied directly opposite your movement path as free deceleration in the same way.

Of course WHAT is applied in that direction is the question: punches or kicks might be straight forward but they can also be hooks coming in from the side which might not impede forward momentum as much as potentially redirect it.

I'm thinking if this kick hits me then I should subtract the damage from the move for free?

I'm thinking also that if someone tries to evade, perhaps rather than "get past you" it should be interpreted as "get to the hex behind you"?

If it's possible to impede that, I'm thinking perhaps it might imply some form of contact like parrying does? Unless of course you Obstruct via fear and making them come up short, like not wanting to run into the Human Torch to avoid getting burned.
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