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Old 12-30-2014, 02:08 PM   #4
Join Date: Nov 2011
Default Re: Purely Natural Defaults

Originally Posted by Nymdok View Post
If its an absolutley simple game (playing tag comes to mind), then why roll at all? If its A given that something can happen then why the roll?
If it's a given that something will happen then you don't roll. On the other hand while a game might be sufficiently simple for understanding to be automatic it could still be failed at and the stakes could at least theoretically be high enough to call for a roll. Even for games that are fundamentally very simple a complete novice might mess up following some of the rules. Tag is a difficult example to work with since it depends at least as heavily on physical capabilities as any actual skill.

Originally Posted by Nymdok View Post
But if, for example, your looking for something that easily observed and understood but slightly more challenging to be done, Id say DX-6 to DX-4 sounds like a good place to start just on the basis of other defaults.
DX-4 seems generous, a hobby skill is already at -4. -6 seems better though there are skills with a default of -6 anyway. I could see someone figuring out how to shoot with a blowpipe without any prior experience but they should be worse at it than someone surrounded by blowpipes but with no actual experience. The default should probably be an adjustment of the existing default.

Originally Posted by Varyon View Post
Use what the default would be if he had been exposed to the game previously, then apply familiarity. Something that just has slightly different rules from what you're used to might be at -1 or no penalty, things that are more different would be higher.
That seems like a good approach if you don't normally apply both defaults and familiarity. If you do normally apply both though it seems like someone who has a real default should still have a relative +1 or something in comparison to someone without any experience.
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