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Old 06-06-2018, 10:38 PM   #161
pzmcgwire's Avatar
Join Date: May 2018
Default Re: Official Rules Update and FAQ (Draft versions 1.01 - June 21)

A couple of things to ponder with all the new additions in ODE.

Now that there are rules for reloading Ogre external missiles, should there be a different notation for fired external missiles vs. destroyed external missiles?

Easy enough to put a house rule in, but should it be explicitly written out in the rulebook?

In a campaign type scenarios, shooting at empty missile tubes might be worth doing to further hamper an enemy Ogre? If so what would be the defense factor for an empty external missile tube?

Secondly with the advent of record sheets for superheavy tanks and other specialized units with 1 shot special firing capabilities and other capabilities (here's looking at you Marine Engineers) , is it time to add unique identifiers (i.e. a number like 101) to counters in a future printing?

How do folks distinguish superheavy tanks and other units now?
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