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Old 12-31-2015, 12:44 PM   #30
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Default Re: Most Useful GURPS Traveller Books from a GURPS Point of View

Re: G:T Nobles

Originally Posted by Peter Knutsen View Post
That one struck me as containing nothing useful at all. My recollection is it's a thorough documentation of a large number of extremely boring and un-distinctive people. Nor did it, as I recall it, contain any useful new rules, or new applications of old rules, or new character creation options. 128 pages of pure yawn.

I'd really like to hear why you and others find it at all worthwhile.
One man's meat is another man's poison apparently.

Its not a rules book but a setting book, defining, for the first time, what nobles actually do in the Official Traveller setting. Who can boss around who, what sort of resources they might be expected to have, what a seneschal does. Sure, it does leave a lot of room for the GM, but its makes nobility into something more than the rich guy that you either get a job from or the rich guy that is making your life miserable.

The personalities, IMO, aren't award winning but not dull. And they give insights into how the 3I is run, as well as a megacorp (Tukera). Now a lot of this won't come into play if your characters are all tramp freighter hooligans, or a merc squad in some brushfire war. But the rules detail how to create noble characters and having some personalities described is essential, since its the noble's court you'll be doing your adventuring in.

All this said Marc Miller completely overwrote this book with the noble rules in T5. All the reviews I've read about the book, and the analysis of how those nobles rules work (*thinking of you up there Hans) makes me want to keep G:T Nobles as my default.

So you have today to buy the thing if you're sitting on the fence. I say buy it.
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