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Old 06-27-2010, 01:58 AM   #8
Kelly Pedersen
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Default Re: Starting an In Nomine game

Originally Posted by JCD View Post
So, you need to complicate things a bit. Find a half dozen other historical places in the city which might also turn into tethers. This forces the characters to act subtly...and also makes even Infernals with an interest work against Belial's squad (if they don't have a potential tether)
As a spin-off idea for this: You could have it so that there were no tethers, of either side, in the city - but that's a recent phenomena. For some reason, all the pre-existing tethers, both divine and infernal, were recently shut down/shifted/outright destroyed, or whatever. The reason for this is up to you, and can be a source of plot hooks. If it was Something Mysterious, then everyone will be desperate to try to find out what it was, both to prevent it happening to them again, and to see if they can weaponize against the other side. If it's a known phenomena, then both sides will be competing to control it, or if one side already has, the other side will be trying to steal it. If the source is known, but essentially unrepeatable (two Superiors of opposite sides were both fighting to stabilize a tether that could go either way, both of them rolled opposing Interventions), then it's basically a tragic accident that makes for good backstory.
Anyway, now that all the tethers in the city are kaput, the place is probably an excellent place for new ones. Tether formation is inhibited by disturbance, and active tethers tend to cause disturbance, which means that tether formation falls off once an area gets saturated. Now that all the tethers are gone, there's a bunch of places with the proper resonance to form new tethers that are now getting the chance. But there are good potentials for both sides, so neither side is going to want to make noise - the disturbance that screws up the tether forming for the other side is also quite likely to disrupt the one forming for your side, so keep it quiet! Even the sorts who would prefer that no tethers form (demons with no places likely to form tethers to their Word, for example) are going to be very wary of making noise, since it will draw the fire of everyone else.
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