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Old 04-14-2017, 09:11 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2012
Default Funding semi-realistic monster hunters

This is partly an intellectual exercise, and partly for a group of NPC antagonists I’m running right now, to challenge a few monster-PCs.

The group seeks and destroys monsters, but it’s not GURPS Monster Hunters with Champions – it’s less cinematic, more semi-realistic, and more grounded (relatively speaking). More in line with GURPS Horror. Instead of being Champions, the team members are built by combining GURPS Horror’s Slayer template with another template from the same book to represent their individual background (so Slayer + Retired Soldier, Slayer + Doctor, Slayer + Techie). The team recognises how dangerous those monsters are head-on, so specialise in more distant or remote forms of attack to avoid the risks of getting too close to the monsters (sniper rifles, small UAVs, airborne agents that use garlic or similar things that affects monsters but not people) and only approaching once the monster has been sufficiently injured that it’s less “killing it” than “stopping it from coming back”.

Anyway, the thing I’m working on is how to fund such an operation? The group I have in mind are church-affiliated, but I see the members as more inclined to tithe to the church than to take money from the church (because church funds going to them are not going to charitable works like shelters, schools or orphanages).

Right now I’m thinking the group primarily operates out of an RV, and maybe after slaying a monster with connections (like a vampire) they went through all his/her records and their techie used that to hack into his/her business accounts? I’m basically looking for plausible ways such group can fund themselves and/or cut costs without having the “wealthy organisation with tons of money to spare for the monster hunters" handwave the situation.

Thanks in advance.
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