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Old 12-22-2012, 06:12 PM   #1009
tHEhERETIC's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Life imitates art--I'm in Pohang
Default Re: In Nomine: the Pacific War (OOC)

There's been some serious RL on the western end of all this, but I'm at home on de facto vacation. Now I've got a ton of paperwork and housecleaning to do, but otherwise I'm fairly bored. Must remember I have a bicycle and a camera, and not just a computer and some blankets.

That said, a quick recap off the top of my head before I go do laundry:

Hereward got banished because he threw a fist at Glen. Artemis left of her own accord, and Odin left in part to get away from Purifying Flame. You notice motorcycles are starting to ascend too--Laurence is awfully efficient here! That makes things a bit awkward as the bikes are not vanishing in the same sequence as their riders, meaning Corat and Kane both had bikes vanish beneath them.

Kane was pursuing two Aesir, one of whom vanished, the other he has grappled with the post of a Yield sign. Corat was pursuing another when his bike disappeared--how he managed mere road rash (admittedly down to the tendons of his arm) and not getting sliced by the katana is a mystery to me. All the same he's sprinting to the other guy...both Aesir could simply vanish out of their predicaments, with a little bit of Will.

And Remiel, limited by passerine anatomy, is the only one close enough to stop them. Well, pigeon anatomy and the anatomy of anything else it could possess in a very big hurry.

Kane is definitely out of Essence, and everyone else is low or out.

Will have to go back through the archives to see where Kingman's books actually are--I thought we retrieved them much earlier.
Criminy...these two have enough issues, they can sell subscriptions! (ladyarcana55, in a PM)
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