Thread: Dreg gangs
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Old 01-27-2017, 03:36 AM   #9
helbent4's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Vancouver BC
Default Re: Dreg gangs

Regarding the dreg gang ambush on Rte 60, to conceal any weapon laid on the road (spikes, spike plate, oil, etc.) during the ambush, have a couple gang members hidden in the woods throw smoke grenades into the road to create a smoke screen (smoke conceals dropped weapons, per ADQ 2/1 and dismounted paint sprayers conceal a minefield in the adventure Convoy).

Additional options include a pair of dismounted salvaged smoke generators to lay a smoke screen to conceal dropped weapons (as above).

Or, like in Convoy, a pair of dismounted paint sprayers (one on either side of the road) to nail the lead vehicle (perhaps put on automatic to spray once a turn with, say, half full paint tanks). This might be a great option as it messes with a vehicle that goes through the paint without a no-paint windshield, hides dropped weapons and yet is temporary so doesn't block the dreg gang's own fire!

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