Thread: Grav Pong
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Old 02-01-2018, 06:41 AM   #10
Join Date: Sep 2007
Default Re: Grav Pong

Originally Posted by Anthony View Post
If they have the ability to do that, how did you board them in the first place?
A good question, but I think one of the scenarios the OP is using is one that involves deception, not straight-up combat. He mentioned Virus, for example. So (presumably) he has in mind a scenario where the murderous infected computer wants to kill all humans, in this case by pretending to be passive and then surprising them with the long "fall" down the corridor.

You could imagine human PCs trying the same thing rather than take a chance on a battle where the pirate ship has them outgunned, so they'd rather take their chances with a trap, personal combat, and even counter-boarding. A sufficiently paranoid pirate might stand off and disable the power plant just to be sure, but that's cutting down on the value of their prize, not to mention their ability to just fly away with it. Some pirates might prefer to disable the ship and loot only the cargo, some pirates might just slag the ship regardless to make sure everyone's dead and can't report them, settling for whatever's left -- but safe, and some might be greedy and try to have it all.
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