Thread: Current play?
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Old 03-26-2019, 08:59 AM   #45
Join Date: Dec 2017
Default Re: Current play?

I have made extensive use Dyson Logos' maps for my TFT sandbox campaign for years now. I've got it down to an art: I'll find a map I like in one of the hard-copy volumes he's published, then find the matching map as pdf on his web site and drop it into a graphics program (I'm a digitally illiterate old person, so I just use ppt because it's familiar). Then I edit the image, adding and blanking out lines where I want something a little different (e.g., extending a city wall, or adding a hamlet outside the main city gate, etc.). Then I'll overlay a wire-frame hex map in very feint grey, and I'm done. I've made dozens and dozens of maps like this - the technique is the basis of my current maps for the main major city and underlying sewer/mega dungeon that is the centerpiece of my home-cooked TFT setting.
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