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Old 08-19-2011, 10:14 AM   #24
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Mainz, Germany
Default Re: [heretical] Grayer than usual: Lilith, Dreamshade Elder of Freedom?

Originally Posted by Rocket Man View Post
Hinduism has an odd status in the In Nomine universe -- it's the only religion that qualifies both as an Ethereal faith and a Divine one. On the one hand, belief in its millions of deities created a ton of pagan dream spirits and gods. But since there are many who hold that all of those are simply masks of the One True God, it's also back-door monotheistic and sends power to Heaven. at the same time.

Uriel had been saving the Hindu deities for last. Some say he wanted the others off stage first before tackling the strongest of all; others whisper that he wasn't quite sure he could take them ...
Originally Posted by DAlillama View Post
Hinduism and voudoun are semi-divine religions, and worhip Essence goes partly to Heaven and partially to the ethereal Pantheons. These pantheons are also tolerated by Celestials much moreso than most.
Fascinating - thanks! Which sourcebooks do I have to get to find more on that?

Originally Posted by ISNorden View Post
Intriguing idea, that; Prometheus is a well-thought-out choice as pagan spirits go. He's a nobler figure than Lilith, yet still defends man's freedom from overreaching power: that is close to the way I see the Third Side in general. With the link between human creation and the Marches, it makes sense to have an Ethereal Elder of Humanity in the City of Refuge. Not an exact parallel to Lilith and Eve, but it works well enough in-game...

Granted, Gabriel doesn't have the Word of Fire in this campaign, though I could see Prometheus envying an unfallen Lucifer or Belial back in the day--and deciding "I'll do what those two should have done for Man." From there, talking some Outcasts and Renegades into Defection isn't such a huge leap!
If you really wanted to give the whole thing a twist, you could have Prometheus team up with Aesculapius, who was punished for making man immortal (or, more precisely, bringing back the dead). If you were to take an ideosyncratic reading of those two legends, you could read that Prometheus brought the flame of inspiration and dreams (!) down to humans, thus effectively creating the marches, the third realm, which was neither really in Heaven or Hell's interest, but was shaped purely by human thought. Of course, people were still dying and going on to the Celestial Realms, so Aesculapius came up with a way of ending death... Maybe the two want to offer humanity a new possibility, one of eternal life on Earth and the Marches, shaping their own lives and dreams away from celestial interference?
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