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Old 03-17-2014, 03:58 PM   #3
Matthias Wasser
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Boston
Default Re: Doing strange things with Resonances

To raise a few notes of disagreement with Dali on Resonances:

Cherubim/Djinn: yes. I would probably rule that self-attunement is Selfish and therefore Dissonant (but possible) for Cherubim. You could also read any self-protection by a Djinn that can't be passed off as stemming from some other motive to count as denial of permission to herself to come to harm, which is a mildly elegant way of encouraging/explaining the Band's stereotypical nonchalance.

Elohim: knowing what you would do in a given situation is actually extremely useful! A Power may well know what its breaking point is, the better to stop short of it.

I take it that most Impudites are self-Charmed, and that this comes with a cost in analytic abilities that makes it not universal (especially among the most ambitious Takers.) Lilim almost certainly self-resonate regularly. Like Impudites Calabim like to self-Resonate but have to balance it against objective costs; they may do it as often as healing resources commit, and outright self-destruction may be a relatively common danger. I like the idea of Habbalah as emotionless and affectless except insofar as they self-resonate; their emotions exist for utilitarian reasons but can chain out into sequences of emotions that unfold according to their own logic: a Habbalah makes himself angry to summon up the needed energies for a fight, then still wanting to hurt people makes himself sad to inspire pity, then feeling sad self-resonates to...
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