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Old 05-21-2014, 04:07 AM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Default Re: One-shotting in DF

In my experience with DF, you have a range of survivability from the wizards (DR 3-5, HP 10, HT 11-13) to the knights (DR 7+, HP 15+, HT 14+) to the super optimized knight-barbarians (DR 15+, HP 30+, HT 14+).

That 5d+5 crushing attack will put the wizard straight into a death check on a slightly decent roll, maybe make the knight roll for a major wound that won't possibly stun him, and barely dent the knight-barbarians armor. And all three of these characters can potentially be in the same party.

I have some qualms about really powerful cutting or impaling attacks, but really powerful piercing and crushing attacks are a constant feature of my games. Not on ambush monsters or things with insane mobility, but relatively static foes that the PCs can position themselves to deal with. If the knight lets the Super Tyrant Lizard get into position to attack the wizard, that's his fault and the PCs should be prepared to have their characters die.

So for your specific questions: yes to the ST40 Iron Golem and 30' stone colossus. Maybe for the ST60 dragon, depending on the mobility.
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