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Old 02-13-2018, 10:52 AM   #22
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Ronkonkoma, NY
Default Re: Mod idea: a bit more Tolkien-y

There's nothing unnatural about fire, though it has been subverted by Morgoth because it is his area of expertise. Arien is a spirit of fire who is not a follower of Morgoth.

The main theme of evil magic is dominance. Morgoth invests his very essence into Middle-earth, and especially into his creatures, so that he can mentally control them. Sauron does the same thing in creating the Ring of Power. When Sauron becomes aware of the Ring inside Mount Doom, he stops paying attention to his armies, and they just stop, bereft of any controlling will.

But using one's will to manipulate another is not automatically an evil act in itself: Gandalf uses his own Ring to inspire the wills of those around him. He lends Bilbo the mental support needed to give up the Ring. He pits his will against Denethor's when they meet. Aragorn needs all his strength of will to wrench the Palantir away from Sauron's control. When Bombadil utters any command, he is obeyed. The difference is that evil influence involves enslavement, or at least unrighteous mastery.
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