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Old 10-06-2017, 08:28 AM   #1
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Default GURPS Fantasy-Tech 2: Weapons of Fantasy

My falchion needs be
Titanic and quicksilver . . .
Hast thou layaway?
— Myriam Sicarius, Unemployed Knight
Admit it, when a new GURPS gear catalog comes out, you flip right to the weapons so you can find new ways to kill monsters and loot their equip-- er, defend the innocent! Combat has long been at the heart of most roleplaying campaigns, especially GURPS Dungeon Fantasy ones, partly because it puts the "G" in "RPG," but also thanks to fiction's long tradition of associating heroes with iconic and unique weapons. And there's no better place to shop for your next piece of Signature Gear than GURPS Fantasy-Tech 2: Weapons of Fantasy.

If you enjoyed the arms of GURPS Fantasy-Tech 1: The Edge of Reality, you'll long for these new options, which draw on everything from the speculation of actual medieval armorers to the most over-the-top fantastical fiction. Smite your foes with multi-headed flails and massive 86-lb. cleavers. Fill your blades with poison reservoirs for chemical death or weighted quicksilver for potent impacts. Wield whips crafted from the skin of damned souls, mighty double-ended halberds, and rapiers longer than you are tall. Damn practicality and embrace the Rule of Cool!

GURPS Fantasy-Tech 2: Weapons of Fantasy will add a bit of wonder to any fantasy game, whether it's a single iconic weapon representing the end of a quest, or a straight-up shopping list for your GURPS Dungeon Fantasy heroes. After all, every campaign can benefit from a little more Awesome.

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