Thread: Salvage Values
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Old 02-21-2020, 11:31 AM   #4
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Default Re: Salvage Values

Yeah, never bought into the 'corporate car wars' theme. Let's review:

Last entry on the timeline:

2044: Peace accords signed. Analysts estimate the U.S. and Japanese
rebuilding efforts have been set back by 10 to 15 years, with
smaller but significant damage to the Oil States economies.
Many once-clear roads are again owned by gangs.

Pretty sure the gangs have plenty of people to sell salvage to, otherwise they wouldn't exist.

Also - the Protectorate War was very very silly - 80's Japan-scare silly.

Originally Posted by swordtart View Post
Selling salvage was not always guaranteed. This was to do with discouraging banditry. If you had good standing in the community you could get the normal price (you were assumed to be the good guy). If you were unknown in the community they wouldn't buy from you unless there was proof that you had come by the salvage honestly. If you were not the aggressor, News footage of the fight or a local eyewitness would count for example. If you were the aggressor no honest broker would deal with you and you would be forced to use Streetwise to find a fence in stolen goods (who would take a 50% cut reducing your profits even further). If you got your salvage from an arena fight, the arena garage would always make an offer immediately after the fight as its legitimacy was unquestionable.
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