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Old 05-31-2019, 07:22 PM   #16
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Buffalo, New York
Default Re: US Law Enforcement Response, Time, Scale and Coordination (Galveston, TX)

In no particular order:

If you have an emergency response vehicle transporting someone with a medical emergency, the vehicle will move with lights flashing, sirens wailing, etc. Was this the case during transport?

In an age with cell phones, radio, etc - police under fire tend to relay that information directly. The clock starts ticking as soon as the initial report is made.

Traffic lights tend to add transit time in ordinary areas, stop signs will cause vehicles to have to stop or risk accidents due to traffic control issues.

Add in a paramilitary style attack, that becomes a breaking news event with terrorist overtones. That kind of thing tends to put police agencies in high alert in the near vicinity, quickly spreading to other units in a widening spiral.

If the attackers have no exit plan in place before the ambush, sufficient video filmed by smart phones will quickly identify the paramilitary actors sufficiently well enough for other police units to start watching for them.

Most expressways will have patrolling cars hunting for speeding violation drivers. Those alone will act as picket units who radio in information -ESPECIALLY if the attackers are speeding.

What the full background in so of this depends on you.
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