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Old 10-02-2018, 12:04 PM   #20
robertsconley's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2006
Default Re: Deed of Paksenarrion conversion?

Originally Posted by Michael Cule View Post
Gird's code as written works fine for a nation of small farming communities. How a nation with nobility manages to follow it I have absolutely no idea.
I imagine much like how Christianity, Monks, Fighting Orders, and Nobles co-existed in our history. That the impression I get from reading about the attitudes of the noble candidate in the Fin Panir sequence. And it gets expanded on in Paladin's Legacy as some of the PoV characters are noble as well.

As for Fintha vs. Tsaia, I always had the impression of that it echoes the Old Swiss Confederacy writ large with a strong religious component. The two are probably based her impression of Greyhawk Veluna (Fintha) vs. Furyondy (Tsaia)

This her description of from her website

Fintha. Farthest west of the Eight Kingdoms, Fintha is spread across several tributaries of the Honnorgat and many of its sources. Fintha was once ruled by magelords but is now ruled by the Fellowship of Gird under the Marshal-General. The Code of Gird is the only law in Fintha. Farmers own their own land, and large accumulation of land is discouraged. Magery is forbidden and wizardry viewed with suspicion. Nearly all magelords fled Fintha with Luap. Many Girdish granges dot the countryside, each supported primarily by local inhabitants. All able-bodied adults are expected to belong to a grange and all youths are trained in basic fighting skills. Capital is Fin Panir, where the Marshal-General is headquartered, where the Knights of Gird and paladin-candidates are trained. Most of the action in Surrender None was confined to Fintha, though some was in western Tsaia. Farthest west of the Eight Kingdoms, Fintha is spread across several tributaries of the Honnorgat and many of its sources. Fintha was once ruled by magelords but is now ruled by the Fellowship of Gird under the Marshal-General. The Code of Gird is the only law in Fintha. Farmers own their own land, and large accumulation of land is discouraged. Magery is forbidden and wizardry viewed with suspicion. Nearly all magelords fled Fintha with Luap. Many Girdish granges dot the countryside, each supported primarily by local inhabitants. All able-bodied adults are expected to belong to a grange and all youths are trained in basic fighting skills. Capital is Fin Panir, where the Marshal-General is headquartered, where the Knights of Gird and paladin-candidates are trained. Most of the action in Surrender None was confined to Fintha, though some was in western Tsaia.

Last edited by robertsconley; 10-02-2018 at 12:10 PM.
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