Thread: Powerstones
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Old 08-13-2009, 03:12 PM   #35
Fred Brackin
Join Date: Aug 2007
Default Re: Powerstones

Originally Posted by Polaris View Post
, you'd know the charge powerstone skill at 14 for 1pt (since it's vH), 15 for 2pts, and 16 for 4 points, so my math was just fine thank you
Gee, touchy much? I missed the switch from Powerstone to Charge Powerstone and the requisite drop of Skill by 1 point.

You're still exaggerating the ability to avoid critical failure. Even if your Luck has the Game Time Enhancement it still only works one time per day passed in the game.

Also, Bless does not prevent Critical Failures.

So with Bless, Luck and Charge Powerstone-16 you can charge your stone once per day, re-rolling 18s and probably not destroying your stone and the Bless turning your 17s into 16s so you don't get a Quirk.

If you go to do it more than once a day you're running the risk of destroying your stone and it is very likely to happen well before you try it for the 216th time.

You obviously can't use the Luck to save your characters butt or anything else on the same day and when the Bless runs out after it does save your PC's butt you;ll need to give up the whole scheme until you can get Blessed again.

There's also the drawback that your stone won';t recharge on its' own until well after you stop pulling thsi trick.

Then there's the question of what you have gained for your expenditure of 19 cp. You've gained the ability to store an extra 3 pts of FP per day (assuming FP of 10). You could have spent 9 pts and just gotten 3 more pts of FP. Then you could have taken the remaining 10 pts and raised you HT by 1 and gotten another FP and all the other benefits of higher HT (including the possibility of increased Dodge).

There wouldn't be that 45 minutes when you were recovering that 9 pts of FP you spent on the Charge Powerstone either.

Yes, you can make this trick work to a limited extent. No, it's probably not a good use of your resources.
Fred Brackin
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