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Old 08-11-2016, 03:27 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2016
Default Munchkin Marvel: Electro, Looking For Trouble

Because Electro's card states that he gets a bonus from all electronic devices on the table when he enters combat, is it ok to clear the table of electronic devices before playing him? Some are ruling that the devices should still count but because it specifically states when he enters combat, i felt the strategy was to grab some devices which made others pick up their devices then when it was all off the table, i played it.

Note this is during the looking for trouble phase, i understand how devastating it would be if i kicked down the door and he appeared. I also know that grabbing peoples electronics can result in stares or anger but that's besides the point if im playing strategically.

This could also clarify if a person were to return with a hand covered in rings before playing mandarins rings.
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