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Old 02-11-2014, 11:43 PM   #24
Peter Knutsen
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Europe
Default Re: A character type for a Star Trek game

Originally Posted by Astromancer View Post
Second, what should Aidan's stats be? Khan must have had a GURPS ST of 22 or a little better. Aidan is clearly much stronger than a normal human, but what would fit? Similarly, his other stats are impressively high, what would fit the eugenic supermen, and the fact that Aiden is one of that group?
Assuming this is for a GURPS 4th edition campaign (or a 3rd edition one), although it can be adapted to other systems:

Very high ST, with extra Lifting ST, as depicted in the movie.
Slightly above average DX, 11, simply because "why not".
HT 12, automatic Fit (character doesn't need to do any particular work-out to maintain Fit, but in GURPS that's just a special effect so costs the normal 5 CP), and +3 Resistance to Disease.
Extended Lifespan, 1 or maybe 2 levels.
IQ 12, Will 14, Perception unmodified at 12.
1 level of Charisma
Sanitized Metabolism Perk

That's just the species Template, the individual character builds on top of that, and may in fact have a lowered ST or IQ (or DX or HT or anthing else) relative to the species "Template". None of that is likely for a player character, though, and you should not feel pressured into lowering anything.

Note that the above is not how I would build a homo superior sub-species. I'm simply going by what I've seen in the original TOS episode and the original movie, plus tossing in a few minor things that makes sense. Frankly, the whole "he's a superman because he's so uber physically strong"-thing makes very little sense. It's deeply immature. Above-average ST without any requirement to lift weights or otherwise work out to get or maintain it, sure that does make sense. But ST 22 or so, that's just ridiculous, although you are right that he is depicted in the movie as being immensely strong.

It's because movies and television are a sucky medium for storytelling, in that it cannot properly depict that which is important: The brain, the intellect. So they give him huge muscles instead.

You can throw in a few other gene modification Peks as well, ones that would make sense for a homo superior to have. I don't recall that GURPS Bio-Tech has any (apart from Sanitized Metabolism), but there may be some in the Perks Power-Ups volume, or others on here may be able to suggest some.

You can also throw in an automatic Psi Power Talent, at 10 CP/lvl for a general Talent. The species template should have one such level, with individuals then sometimes having more, or sometimes lacking the template (unless it's actually guaranteed by the genework that everybody will have it, no exception). But based on what I've seen, there's no basis for including such a Talent.

You could go for one or even two levels of built-in Smooth Operator Talent. That's very expensive and I've heard that many GURPS players consider it overpriced, but it does fit Khan in the TOS episode, potentially having the full four levels of that. With it or without it, he has a bunch of Charisma, though.
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