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Old 09-11-2018, 03:41 AM   #20
Phil Masters
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Default Re: Empathy with low IQ

Originally Posted by Lord Azagthoth View Post
Penalize him for bad roleplaying.
So, penalize the character for taking an advantage that doesn't even work?

And even if the advantage, as written, is supposed to include the delusion "I'm always right", it wouldn't have to infect the other members of that person's group. If they notice that he's almost always wrong about people, they'll start working on that principle, and physically restraining him from acting on his instincts.

The advantage, as written, creates an active perverse incentive to engage in "bad roleplaying". The problem isn't with the players, it's with the bad rule writing (which should have been caught in the 4e playtest process, so I accept a small share of the guilt).

Nor does this make sense to me on any kind of simulationist level. If someone has an intuitive sense for other people's moods and emotions, one assumes that they get a correct reading when it works, and when it doesn't work -- the obvious thing to happen is surely no reading at all. That's the general rule with GURPS success rolls; when they work, they work, normal failures mean that they don't work, critical failures mean that you break something or it all goes pear shaped. The same principle should apply to Empathy and Sensitive.
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