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Old 12-05-2018, 04:00 PM   #32
Join Date: Dec 2017
Default Re: IQ attribute increase and talent/spell

I also have no problem with any of the features of the new XP system discussed above. Yes, you should spend XP on stats for the first 1000 XP or so (possibly starting to charge up a wizard's staff near the end of this early period), after which you should mostly ignore stats and focus on a balanced mix of gaining talents, learning spells, building your staff if you have one, and keeping a minor wish in your back pocket. And, all character types will at least consider starting with IQ in the range 10+ because it will let them start play with at least one very useful talent or spell, whereas it might take a half dozen sessions of play to gain it after play starts. They will make this decision recognizing that those 2-3 points they sacrificed from ST and DX might get them killed over the course of the first few adventures. As far as I can tell, we all agree that this is how the game now works. And I love it; it's much better than the way things worked before - and I say that as one of the world's most committed TFT fan boys.
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