Thread: HEAL spell?
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Old 05-28-2018, 08:40 PM   #7
Join Date: Feb 2018
Default Re: HEAL spell?

All good comments so far, we definitely need to be careful and make injury real and serious. IQ 14, and probably 4:1 as Jim has suggested might make sense.

And remember, Physicker can only be used once on a set of injuries to avoid unrealistic healing by multiple people or in succession if camped somewhere. There probably should be some similar consideration given to the magical side of things. No new damage, no new magical healing.

Again, I don't have my rulebook so correct me if wrong, but isn't fatigue gained back at 1 point per quarter hour and damage at 1 point per 2 days of actual regulated rest?

So let's see...a ST-13 IQ-14 wizard with this spell (say with DX - 10, being about a 37 point wiz), say at the SJ rate of 3:1 ratio could heal a ST-13 hero from adjST-1 to 5 strength, rest 3 hours to regain his strength of 13, then repeat to take hero to adjST - 9, rest 3 hours, then hero to 13 and full strength, rest 3 hours to regain exhaustive strength.

So if my late night math is good, 9 hours to restore two man party to full health if one is taken down to unconsciousness. If the hero was on his own but safe, 24 *days* to fully heal.

So with spell, one "working" unmolested day to fully regain ST, without, almost a month.

Not judging, is this what we want in TFT? I'm not sure... :0
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