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Old 06-18-2017, 09:10 PM   #4237
tHEhERETIC's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Life imitates art--I'm in Pohang
Default Re: In Nomine: the Pacific War (IC)

Originally Posted by ladyarcana55 View Post
Sunae looks at Ryuki in obvious surprise. She has never seen him like this before and she isn't sure what to make of it. He is much more confident and stronger than she has seen before and that catches her off guard.

"When? I have no idea. I was counting on you to figure it out. As for what I plan to do, I don't have one. I was just going to play it by ear."

Sunae follows his gaze. This stranger is sorely out of place here, but she doesn't get any sense of a threat from him. She makes note of him then returns to her business at hand.

"I have to explain something. I love cars, especially vintage cars. But luxuries like that are seen as unnecessary distractions, and so we are forbidden to interact with them. We can learn about them, we just can't own them. However, we are allowed one day out of the year to indulge in those distractions as a reward for our devotions and service throughout the year. So really, this is the only time I ever get to see them, touch them, or sit in them. That's why I am so anxious to get over to the show cars. With this task still incomplete, I don't know how much time I have tonight."
((Excuse the punt--I'm at work))

"Focus. I need you to focus." He's talking to himself as much as to her. "We are here for work, so whatever your one day is, it starts after we get the job done." He paused a minute, bit his lip, and let his body sway with hers to maintain the look that he was merely dancing with her. "One day a probably can't race these things very well. Okay. More than one way to make noise. When I give you the signal, get to a car with a wicked sound system, say like that one," he indicates a car with a modified oversized trunk, gambling that those are woofers in there and not a tank full of jet fuel, "and crank that puppy up. Stolen thunder..." His eyes glaze, and he reaches towards her arm, to gently stroke a scar he sees there. It pulled him back, just a little. "I'll go deal with angel-boy there and then try to bring the action here." A deep breath, an averting of the eyes. "Devichiy, devichiy...," he says softly to no one in particular.
Criminy...these two have enough issues, they can sell subscriptions! (ladyarcana55, in a PM)
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