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Old 05-15-2007, 07:49 PM   #2
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Power Modifiers

The following power modifiers are common or unique to the Marvel Universe. Others exist, such as Chi (e.g. Iron Fist) and Spirit (e.g. Shaman and Talisman), usually in isolated cases.

Biological (-10%): These abilities are part of the character's physiology, but may be negated through the application of drugs geared specifically for such purpose (-5%). Active abilities always require an additional 1 FP to use (-5%), but see Passive Biological, below.

Chemical (-10%): These abilities are dependent upon some form of chemical/alchemical potion being applied to the body on a regular basis, whether through ingestion, inhalation, or injection. This potion is the equivalent of Maintenance (One Person; Weekly) (-5%). In addition, the effects of the potion can be counteracted through other pharmaceutical means, same as the Passive Biological power modifier, below (-5%).

Demonic (-10%): The infernal counterpart to the Divine power modifier from Powers, the character's abilities are powered by energies channeled from demonic sources, such as those granted by Mephisto or Chthon. The character is not necessarily a demon himself. It is identical in function to the Divine power modifier.

Electronic (-30%): The typical version of Technological in the Marvel Universe. The power's abilities require weekly maintenance, at 1 hour per ability (-5%). In addition, they can be detected by X-ray scans and other forms of medical imaging, and may also generate radio static or an odor of ozone (-5%). Finally, they’re vulnerable to electrical disruption as defined for the disadvantage Electrical (p. B134; -20%). This last portion is identical to taking the Temporary Disadvantage: Electrical limitation; you don't have to take the latter with this power modifier.

Elemental (-10%): This power lets a character manipulate an "element" – one kind of natural matter or energy, or its absence. Common examples in the Marvel Universe are Air, Cold/Ice, Darkforce, Earth, Electricity, Fire/Heat, Light, Radiation, Sound/Vibration, and Water. These powers have either a mundane countermeasure (-10%) or an insulator (often an opposing element) that can interfere with the elemental energy (-10%), but rarely both. Elemental may stack with either Super or Mutant.

Magical (-10%): The character's abilities are dependent on channeling the world's ambient mana to operate. The bulk of the world appears to be a low-mana region, while certain areas of the world are normal- to high-mana areas. Modern technology cannot detect these energies, so there are no technological countermeasures. However, the ambient energies can be blocked through supernatural means (-5%), and the abilities can be negated through certain Anti-Magic abilities (-5%).

Mutant (-10%): The character is a mutant whose abilities can be negated through Anti-Mutant abilities such as Neutralize and Static (-5%) or through technological means (-5%). This is a subset of the Super power modifier, so any Anti-Super abilities will also negate the mutant powers, but the reverse is not necessarily true.

Mutant Biology (-0%): The character is a mutant, and can be detected as such. However, the abilities granted by this Power are physical adaptations which cannot be removed except through surgery (usually amputation of limbs), and are nearly indistinguishable from "wild" abilities. Because of this, there is no value to the modifier.

Mutant Psionic (-10%): The character is a mutant and can be detected as such. The character's powers are psionic in nature, usually Telepathic, ESP, or Psychokinetic, and can be negated by both Anti-Mutant and Antipsi abilities (-5%), or through technological means (-5%). This is a subset of both the Mutant and the Psionic power modifiers, which are themselves subsets of the Super power modifier, so any Anti-Super abilities will also negate the mutant abilities, but the reverse is not true.

Passive Biological (-5%): Like Biological above, these abilities are part of the character's physiology, but may be negated through the application of drugs geared specifically for such purpose (-5%). As these abilities are passive in nature, no FP expenditure is necessary.

Power Cosmic (+50%): These abilities stem from cosmic sources, such as those granted by Galactus, Eon, or the Cosmic Cube, and are not easily counteracted by innate abilities or superscience technology designed to counteract other powers. Only other Power Cosmic powers can counteract them. This is identical to the Cosmic power modifier in Powers.

Psionic (-10%): The character's abilities are psionic in nature, usually falling under such classifications as Telepathic, ESP, or Psychokinetic. As such, they are affected by Antipsi abilities (-5%) as well as technological means (for example: psionic dampers) (-5%). This is a subset of the Super power modifier, so any Anti-Super abilities will also negate the psionic abilities, but the reverse is not true.

Super (-10%): This is a catch-all power modifier for those powers whose abilities are not biological, psionic, or mutant in nature. Mutant and Psionic are both subsets of this. These abilities can be negated through various Anti-Super powers (-5%) and through technological means (-5%).

The relationships between Mutant, Mutant Psionic, Psionic, and Super have raised some questions as to the validity of their pricing. The way I see it is such:

In any given campaign, only one (or possibly two) of these four should be prevalent. In an X-Men campaign, Mutant and/or Mutant Psionic will be prevalent; in an Avengers one, Super will be the most common; and a Horror campaign, Psionic would be the most common of the four. The overall frequency of countermeasures for each of these four categories are about equal, hence the lack of difference in price.
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The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
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Last edited by Phantasm; 08-05-2009 at 04:22 PM. Reason: total overhaul of the section
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