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Old 08-08-2018, 04:26 PM   #9
Join Date: Feb 2018
Default Re: GM Screen Alternatives

Originally Posted by Skarg View Post

* list of situational DX modifiers (include various two-weapon attack situations)
* effects of multi-hex figures on engagement / push / trampling
* effects of injury on high-ST figures
* crit hit/miss/double/triple numbers for 4d, 5d 6d etc rolls
* effects of different body positions/postures (including kneeling from Aimed Shots rule, might want to ADD sitting for RP purposes)
* height advantage effects
* dead body & common broken ground effects
* darkness effects (& torch & lantern & light spell effects)
* encumbrance table / effects
* initiative roll modifiers (don't forget the "if you're fleeing, you can move first" one)
* aimed shot & dagger marksmanship penalties & effects (hopefully improved)
* crippling hit table (hopefully improved)
* clubs & bare hand weapon damage table (hopefully improved)
* HTH initiation, details, pinning, striking into HTH (hopefully improved)
* mounted/flying combat summary or mods & rolls, panic table
* summary of how to do climbing & swimming & jumping
* long-range attack penalties
* time needed for various actions (physicking, resting, burning down a door...)
* distance sound travels & is muffled by doors
* the travel rules/roles for getting lost, exposure/starvation/dehydration damage, etc.
* peculiar weapons summaries (hopefully improved)
* fine weapon break chances
* molotail/gunpowder/fire rule reminders
* animal DX mods & other rules (min IQ to see illusions, -2DX animals attacked by fire & won't initiate HTH, etc)
* gestures required by wizards based on IQ vs spell IQ
* time / resources / teachers required to learn spells & talents by various means
This is a good practical discussion and this list hits a lot of what I would want, as well, on a GM screen, with Times New Roman font, dark against light background, appropriately sized for distance for the Players (I'm not moving my screen) and the GM on the other side.

In the past I have used index cards to write up NPCs that I can quickly pull and mark with pencil hits, etc. then erase after the adventure. I've made small pieces that are items extra special, like an elven blade or The One Ring, to emphasize the importance of it. I've used pinto beans for basic rations on long journeys, and navy beans as Lembas.

I think being able to travel relatively lightly with TFT is important, but having some stand-up drinks and dessert style devices for the Players might be a good idea. Cards for spells and talents that could be referenced, say a set of each, might speed play or avoid cheap printouts and copies of the Talents and Spells that we now use that get bent and wrinkled and destroyed rather quickly.

The visceral paper and pencil aspect of TFT needs to remain, though, so I would avoid any technological dependence that will disenfranchise those that don't want it or can't afford it, tie the game to current tech which will be as outdated as 8 track tapes in about 3 months time, and distracts from play. I ban phones, computers, and other gizmos from the play area in my games, if someone wants to be a Phombie, they need to do it somewhere else.

Everyone needs to see the play area, though, and everyone needs to reach and manipulate their figures, so we want to ensure there isn't too much clutter about the table that causes inadvertent beer bottle spillage from all of the upright stuff on the table. :)
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