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Old 06-12-2011, 11:29 PM   #9
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Southern NH, USA
Default Re: New Gurps Utility for Droid

I put some serious time into this today and came up with a good way to handle two suggestions, both the HP/FP toggle buttons and the keeping track of base/current for HP/FP as well as notifying you when you hit a special fraction.

Here is a screenshot. It is not released yet, but I just want you to know that I am dedicated to releasing a quality product with good turnover time to my favorite internet community.

I am looking into adding injury tracking as well as a way to autocalc thrown distance damage. I am also researching adding a jump distance calculator and an explosions algorithm (As well as the reverse algorithm for that. Anyone else think it's weird that if you want to blow something up you need to say how much damage you are doing and then it tells you how much explosive you need? My calculator will be able to work that way, but also will be able to hopefully work from the amount of explosives you want to use and give you the damage.)

Thank you so much for testing this out! The suggestions so far have been great and I am enthusiastic to contribute something worthwhile to the GURPS community.
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