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Old 03-23-2012, 03:43 AM   #58
Michael Thayne
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Join Date: May 2010

Weird Supers

This game is closed.

The basic idea: Play any character you want that can be built on 500 points. Then try not to let any of the other weird things in the universe do anything horrible to you.

A little more: With the last PbP game I tried to run, I ended up having to cancel it due to lack of time on my part. Now I'm at a place in my life where I have more time (out of school, have a job), and I want to try running one again.

However, I still don't like the fact that PbP is not really ideal for running combat. Solution: don't make a game built around the "fair fights" emphasized by recent editions of Dungeons and Dragons. Instead, let fights be terribly one-sided, and make part of the challenge figuring out how to end up on the right side of one-sided fights. Thus, fighting abilities will be useful, but so will stealth, information-gathering, social skills, and really any other ability you can think of. Also, I will play up the weird side of GURPS.

Full character creation guidelines, and how to join, at the OOC thread.

Last edited by Michael Thayne; 03-25-2012 at 09:06 PM.
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